Last year we didn’t do this sort of thing, but now that we’ve had wedding photos here and all sorts of silly personal things I’ll go ahead and say that Steven turns 23 today! I always want to make elaborate Eve of St. Agnes jokes, but I don’t even remember last night’s dreams and I don’t think there’s a big audience for Keats jokes. And if there is, I probably don’t want to know about it.

Anyway, we’ll have a friend visiting from out of town (I hope) and I’m making German chocolate cake and we’ll have dinner out and watch some of our current Netflix holdings and just generally bum around. It sounds good to me. And while I’m not keen on my own birthday, it’s fun to celebrate someone else’s, especially because having all this extended family means tonight’s will be the third party (though none was really much of a party, thank goodness). And I can’t write well enough to really explain how exciting and reassuring and generally fun it is to have such a like-minded friend and husband in my life. Steven is basically the best friend I’ve ever had, which seems to me a particularly good base for a relationship.
We’re very much alike, but I think working on the blog together has highlighted some of the ways we differ in our approaches to humor and discourse and style. I’m glad we have this place because we both enjoy what we do and have done here, but also because it lets me track the last year in our relationship and the ways I’ve changed the way I write in conversation with his writing and also the way we have a sort of transcript of many of the things we’ve thought and talked about together. I’m sure not all relationships would benefit from joint blogs (and ours hasn’t always, either) but I’m glad we have a tangibly unified presence in the internet world. And while this is the first year we’ve been a couple that I haven’t bought Steven comics for his birthday, I have to enjoy having a husband who asked me to get him Derrida rather than the new Grand Theft Auto although he still wants both. While I complain sometimes about how dull our life is now, I can’t deny that I enjoy it!
So happy birthday, Steven, and thanks.
Ian Brill says:
Happy Birthday, Steve!
— 21 January 2005 at 4:02 pm (Permalink)
David Fiore says:
hey, I couldn’t think of a better person to share my birthday weekend with Steven (mine’s on the 23rd)
and Rose–I’m glad you two have this place as well…I think it’s one of the most exilarating stops on the web, frankly (for precisely the reasons that you mention), and I feel honoured to have played at least a small part in it!
let the festivities roll on!
— 21 January 2005 at 4:38 pm (Permalink)
Rose says:
Happy early birthday, Dave!
I’m not sure I would say Peiratikos is one of the most exhilarating places around, but I’m glad you like it too. I think you’ve been the most prolific commenter, and you’ve been supportive since the start, which we both appreciate. And I’m sure I hold a special place in your heart, since I don’t think you ever induced any other bloggers to read The Blithedale Romance!
— 21 January 2005 at 5:52 pm (Permalink)
Steve Pheley says:
Happy birthday, fellow Steven!
And I totally agree, Rose, having your best friend being your significant other is the way to go. :)
— 21 January 2005 at 6:26 pm (Permalink)
Scott says:
Happy Birthday, Steve!
— 21 January 2005 at 8:33 pm (Permalink)
Steven says:
Thanks for the Happy Birthdays, everybody, and happy birthday to you, Dave.
— 23 January 2005 at 3:45 pm (Permalink)
Mag says:
Happy Birthday, Steven!
Mmm, German chocolate cake.
And just because it’s all about me… I am quite disconcerted that you’re just a few years older than Mag, Jr. This is very, very, bad.
Keep blogging, the both of you!
— 28 January 2005 at 4:51 am (Permalink)